For example, your discount is only valid for one week. Or your digital coaching group can be as small as 50 people. Or at your seminar you can only actively supervise 15 people. [Learn more about scarcity now] Conclusion The jewelry store story showed you that we humans have developed a "click, surr" mechanism to survive in our complex world. So, according to the law of reciprocity, always write quality articles. Make sure you have proper social proof.
Make a commitment to blogging regularly. But also focus on your relationship with your reader and make them like you. Finally, build authority and use honest scarcity later. These six psychological reasons are not unethical. You can use them in your blog with a clear conscience. Do you know any Israel phone number list other reasons why we buy what we buy?How to do it right: How to sell products and services with your blog Vladislav Melnik BY VLADISLAV MELNIK 46 COMMENTS I sell 64 monkey books a month. On average. So I know a thing or two about how to sell a product or service on your blog. And, I don't even have much traffic. Just 22,000 visitors per month. That's funny too: you mention "sell" in the context of the blog... and everyone just shrugs. "Ooh! How dare he.
Blogging is open. Free. Kumbaya… and stuff!” My blog colleague Markus Cerenak also says: We-hold-hands-we-all-love-each-other-and-we-all-don't-want-to-earn-money-together-fibre-flatterer blog. All nonsense. let me tell you why Why It's OK to Sell Your Blog I already mentioned it in this post about making money from a blog . or bad. Think of a sickle. You can use it to do good (e.g. cut grass) or you can use it to do bad (e.g. cut someone's throat). It's your choice. And if you want to use a blog to offer your coaching products or your web design services...then go for it! You help people with your products and services.